

Architects are most important partners for KAPA. They take over a very importont role by meeting entrance solution designs with customer needs and determining entrance specifications, suitability for use and good designed safety.

KAPA has settled down to a high quality and long lasting relationship with architects based on mutual trust, professionalism and friendliness.

Project Planning and Proposal: After determining proper products of designed projects with porfessional project consultants we perfectly answer all needs of design groups and contractor companies with preliminary studies and proposal presentations.

Sales: We present right solutions that fits the needs with professional prject consultnts.

Application: KAPA responses application needs of after-sales application services on the basis of safety and quality in desired time with its experienced staff.

Service and Periodic Maintenance: Your expectations from doors you are using may differ depending your needs arise over time. KAPA Service allows your products to adapt to new needs in a quickly and healthy way. In this context, you can adapt new safety specifications with modern safety equipments or add motor, control unit, automation for a fast and practical use.